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Stress & Weight

Raising Your Vibration by Reducing Stress
Raising Your Vibration

 Hi, Angels Working on Earth Family!

This article will give you insight into raising your vibration and reducing stress. One way to reduce stress is to raise your vibration. Self-love raises GOOD vibrations and lessens the negativity in your environment. Going from darkness to light requires a decision to change and must be followed up by positive action. (Inman, Sheila 2024). Stress is a principal offender when it comes to your health. So, let’s start by understanding how stress affects the body because unchecked stress causes disease and dis-ease.

When you are under stress, your sympathetic nervous system switches on, which is responsible for fight or flight. Can you imagine if this system is triggered over and over again? Stress can affect the body in many ways. The Cleveland Clinic says, “Adrenalin and norepinephrine, cortisol is a “fight-or-flight” hormone. These stress hormones slow down physiological processes — like your metabolism — and speed up the ones you need to survive in the moment (Cleveland Clinic,2023).” Research shows that increased cortisol levels cause weight gain in some people, especially around the middle and the waist. In other words, when your cortisol level goes up, the hormone raises your blood pressure and insulin production while suppressing your immune system (Cleveland Clinic, 2023). As your insulin levels increase, your blood sugar drops, making you crave fatty, sugary foods (Cleveland Clinic, 2023). If you don’t reduce your stress, then you eat more out of emotions and because of the cravings.

I’ve learned that it is essential to learn about how cortisol affects your body, how stress affects the body, and how to reduce the stress on the body. All these three strategies are essential as they will raise your vibration, thus affecting our relationships with others and the environment in which we live.

 Effects of Cortisol on The Body

Cortisol is typically secreted by the adrenal glands in a diurnal variation pattern, meaning that the bloodstream’s cortisol levels vary depending on the time of day. Most of the time, cortisol levels are highest in the early morning and lowest around midnight. Cortisol also stimulates insulin release and can increase appetite and stress. The increase in appetite and stress may promote weight gain and affect where you put on weight. Some studies have shown that stress and elevated cortisol tend to cause fat deposition in the abdominal area rather than in the hips. 

How Stress Affects the Body

Whether or not a person’s stress levels will result in high cortisol levels and weight gain is not predictable. The amount of cortisol secreted in response to stress varies among individuals, with some being innately more reactive to stressful events. Studies of women who tended to react to stress with higher cortisol secretion levels showed some women ate more when under stress than women who secreted less cortisol. These women who stored their excess fat in the abdominal area had higher cortisol levels. The research reported more lifestyle stress for women who stored fat in their hips. 

How to Lower Stress Levels 

Exercise and eating healthy meals are practical tips for lowering cortisol levels and reducing stress. Exercise benefits the body by burning calories and, therefore, reducing fat. Eating healthier meals can reduce calories and increase the nutrients the body needs to function better. Exercising doesn’t have to be strenuous. One can start by walking and building from there. Maintaining a healthy diet can be challenging during stressful times, especially in the times we live in today. Stress wears us down and interferes with our willpower and digestive processes. Weight gain during stressful times may be partly due to your mindset and the body’s hormonal checks and balances system. I’ve noticed that drinking tea is a great solution. Some herbal teas are a great tool to help achieve incredible changes in your body. We firmly believe that everyday people can reduce stress with the right mindset.  


Start by learning how to love yourself and be well. Use basic self-love principles that are right for you. To help define your self-love principles, write down ALL of your LOVES. Define them. Then, put them into practice each day. In addition to these simple principles, skipping caffeine, relaxing to music, and hanging out with funny and positive people will help you lower your cortisol levels and reduce stress. These are simple things you can incorporate into your daily routine.


Cleveland Clinic (2023, March 1). You Guessed It: Long-Term Stress Can Make You Gain Weight. Retrieved January 7, 2024, from